Missing Bricks & Mortar
Over time, bricks and mortar break down. With missing bricks and mortar, the stability of the chimney will be compromised, making it essential to address the issue immediately.
Spalling Bricks & Mortar
Spalling bricks and mortar can also cause structural damage. Water is able to more easily get into the flues and roofing if the bricks and mortar experience spalling.
Leaks in Flashing
The flashing is what will protect the sheathing, walls, ceiling, framing, and more from water damage. If the flashing is damaged, in addition to other problems with the chimney, a new one might be in order.
Damaged Chimney Crown
The chimney crown keeps your chimney free of water damage and protects the bricks that make up the chimney. Visible cracks, falling tiles, rust and interior wall damage are all signs that your chimney crown needs repair.